4 Celebrities Who Denied Going Online

Internet is intelligent, magical life tool equipped with all essential knowledge, smartness, ideas and thoughts. It is impossible to think life without internet especially if you have millions of fan with whom you can contact through twitter easily yet it happens. Some of our brilliant Hollywood feel annoyed at using internet or some ultramodern techniques. If you are fan of anyone of them, you may not believe on the issues, but it is real fact. Let’s see who are the Hollywood celebrities to avoid internet?

Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt has been shown as tech guys in several films since he maintains a safe distant from computer and internet. His fans may no know the fact but they have feel sorry to find him nowhere at internet with no twitter account, no face account or anything else by which they can communicate with him.

Winona Ryder
Once Winona commented about internet, “I keep hearing that you can find out anything, which is kind of too bad.” She has neither a computer nor internet presence. You can find her in various website’s news and celebrities’ list but you can not connect to her through using internet in any condition.

Christopher Walken
Actor Christopher Walken painted different shades of life in his acting. He played beautiful his character in films as well video games like ‘Ripper’. Do you know he is very uncomfortable with a computer even he does not know how to operate a cell phone. He has neither an email nor online identity. Can you believe anybody like Christopher can survive without having such gadgets?

Janeane Garofalo
Film and television actress Janeane Garofalo does not afraid with latest technology but she is too possessive on its effects. She finds internet too interruptive in personal life that she prefer to be live without using internet or its awesome features. Even though she does not have an email id, of course you may count her as one more comrade with Chritopher Walken.

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